Friday, November 4, 2011

{FO} Reading Mitts and Sniffles

Just some of yesterday's tissue boxes
Oh friends, this is not my week...not my week at all.  As you have learned, I burned my fingers pretty bad on Tuesday night...and just when they felt better enough to knit, well, the rest of me didn't.  See, I've been stubbornly fighting a case of the sniffles (a cold if you will, but I called allergies) since last week.  Nothing to be alarmed about, happens every year, hence why I called it allergies.  Well, on Sunday I finally called a spade a spade, or a cold a cold, and started taking cold meds. All was fine and dandy, until Wednesday when I woke up just not feeling nose was running constantly and I felt achy.  I knitted a little bit more of my ruffled scarf but just wasn't feeling up to knitting so I put it aside. Took some mucinexD instead of the Nyquil and preceded to have the worst night's sleep on the face of the planet. Needless to say, yesterday was worse...and I did a trial run to Boston at 5:45 a.m. which was a dumb idea because I was sick to my stomach and throwing up along the way, then had to wait an hour in South Station for my train home...but the good news is, the trial run was successful and I will make it to work on time on Monday, then got home and stayed in bed cuddling a hot water bottle and trying not to cough.  I am also pleased to note that today I do not sound like a 7 year old who chain smokes 10 packs a day (as Nate said I sounded yesterday as I pathetically asked him for more soup) and I can breathe through my nose better.

 Getting back on track, I had hoped to have TWO finished objects for this Friday post but alas that was not to be.  So, instead I present to you just one.  Without further ado and sick, delusional, feverish rambling on my part, I present to you the finished Mitts Fit for a Tea Party!

I <3 my new iPhone
Funny how the colors change depending on the light
Mitts Fit for a Tea Party Project Details:
Pattern: Susie's Reading Mitts
Yarn: Sunshine Yarns Classic Sock Yarn in Tea Party
Needles: US2
Gifty: Christmas present for mother-in-law 
Modifications: Knit cuff for only 4", not 5".  Picked up 3 stitches on thumb.  Did thumb repeat 5 times (had 15 stitches). 

For more Finished Objects check out:


  1. Those mitts look fab (in fact, you've reminded me that I have that pattern queued!)

    Sorry to hear that you're not very well :( Hope you feel lots better soon x

  2. Fabulous! I had to go favorite that yarn on Ravelry, and remind myself to make a pair of those mitts.

  3. To be that sick and have any FO is a huge accomplishment (and the sign of a teensy obsession). Glad to hear you're on the mend and loving your mitts. I've been eyeballing them for ages... might just have to give in soon.

  4. The mitts are cute! Are you using instagram or hipstamatic on your iPhone for the pictures?

    FYI I didn't do the color changes in the yarn for my citron. I bought it that way. The designer is on Etsy so you can buy her yarn, too!

  5. Oh feel better soon. As I write this I can hear my daughter coughing with her cold, and I know we will all soon succumb. Your mitts are wonderful, I'm going to check out that pattern, I'm in a bit of a mitt mood lately!

  6. ooh they are so pretty, i love the colours. We have all come down with colds this past few weeks - its always this time of year for our family too. thanks for the sweet comment on my blog, have a great weekend and feel better xx

  7. I'm sorry you have been sick and am glad that you are feeling better! The mitts are lovely, I like the edging on them.

  8. First, I so glad you are feeling a bit better - I don't know what I ever did without Mucinex! It cuts a cold in half if you start it right away.

    Second, that pattern is going right on the needles, Missy! I can't get over how super, super good-looking they are - and again that color! I'm thinking Abstract Fiber Soprano - not sure what colorway... Stay in bed and more hot soup!!!

  9. Love the cuff on your mitts. I am currently working on a pair that seem too plain...I may borrow the look of yours.

  10. Get well soon! Being sick is rubbish. And the mitts look great, glad you got them finished =)

  11. They look so cozy!
    Sorry you've been feeling miserable; I hope the sickies go away soon.

  12. i love the colors. So pretty.-Tori

  13. The mitts are awesome! That is a great pattern for variegated yarn, too.

    I hope you are feeling much, much better by now.


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