Friday, July 29, 2011

Oh what tangled webs we weave

He is much more patient than me
My yarn is an unhappy, tangled mess.  My center pull yarn cake wound up being a giant knot on the inside.  Any tips on untangling (without cutting)? I gave up after an hour and then Nate took over for me....

In happier news...I had a job interview today at my alma mater and I think it went well :)


  1. It's like a maze - only one way to get out! I hate it when my yarn gets tangled up, too, which is why I prefer to knit from the outside of a ball rather than a centre-pull. It's not fool-proof, but it seems to work for me.

    I hear there's a group on Ravelry with members who love to untangle yarn for people! You should check them out!

  2. Congrats on the interview.

    I am terrible at tangles. I try for about 30 seconds and then I start throwing things and grabbing scissors.

  3. Thanks for coming to visit me! I've used that rav group before with great success so I called up the same girl this time. Lucky for me she lives in my city and we cross paths commuting so she's going to fix for me! I'm not allowing myself to cast anything new on until the end of September, at which point a HUGE project is going on the needles, so I'm in no hurry ;).

    I will be back to visit!


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