Wednesday, January 18, 2012

{WIP} Surgery

Thank you all very much for your kind words last week!  This has been quite an ordeal, and I've been pretty down and blue about it.  

So, as I mentioned I not only broke the distal radius in my wrist but I shattered it.  Last Thursday I had an appointment with the orthopedist and I figured I would get a cast and be on my merry way...back in work in a couple of days.  Um. Sadly, it did not work out like that.  The very nice PA informed me I would need surgery and wouldn't be going back to work for at least 6 weeks if not longer.  *sigh* In hindsight, I'm glad I signed up for the higher supplemental short term disability.   And thank God my mom is staying with me for the whole week

Post-op pet cuddling

I had surgery yesterday, and am the proud new owner of my very own metal plate.  I am in considerably more pain then I was when I shattered it last Tuesday. Which I was not prepared for.  In my mind, I would wake up it would all be part of a bad dream.  Sadly, not true.

I kept falling asleep too - felt very narcoleptic.  I was a tad bit annoyed at the hospital nurse in recovery couldn't get mt pain under control.  Everytime she gave me a new dose through the IV I stayed at about a 9 level of would think you would
 switch to another medicine but no...not there.  She did seem more concerned with the guy one curtain over from me. I had to ask for a pillow twice - she was too busy chatting with that other patient.  When she came back to me 20 minutes later and asked if she could get me anything I was like "I still hurt..and pillow??" she was like "yes, I asked for that aleady" and went off in a huff to find one. So needless to say..not fun.


  1. I am so sorry about your wrist and hope your pain is now under control! I guess you can at least do lots of reading, and maybe plan all your projects? Sometimes I feel that I check out blogs, ravelry etc more than I knit/crochet, and have to stop myself to get things knitted etc - so I hope you can have fun doing all the stuff we/I at least feel guilty about!

    1. No need to feel guilty!! Knit for the both of us ;) Ive bee having fun on ravelry

  2. :( Sorry you had to have surgery, and that the care wasn't great at the hospital. Wishing you a much speedier recovery than the doctors anticipate!

  3. Soooo sorry. Hope your wrist heals and the pain eases!

  4. Thank bob your mum is there to make life more bearable at the outset of recovery. Mum's are the best! Speedy recovery, and patience with waiting for things to heal.

  5. I am glad your mom is there to help you! I'm sorry that your recovery nurse was like that. I had the same sort of experience when I had my gall bladder out last April. I hope you can get the pain under control and that you will be on the mend soon. I will be praying for you!

    1. Thank you so much - I am hopefully getting a stronger prescription today. And I am super grateful to have my mom here.

  6. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I hope you recover quicker than they predict.

  7. Oh no! So sorry to hear about this - I wish you a speedy recovery!!!

  8. Oh my goodness... what an ordeal! Many wishes for a speedy recovery!

  9. awwww....I hope you get to feeling better. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  10. Sorry to hear about your surgery and long recovery period ahead of you. How were you able to type your blog post? Wow...impressive. You'll be able to visit lots of blogs during your off time which will help pass the time. Good luck and feel better soon.

  11. Wow, that's pretty much the suckiest WIP I've ever seen. :( So sorry to hear it. Get better soon! And hey, maybe you'll invent some sort of one-handed knitting technique that will sweep the nation and earn you fame and fortune. It could totally happen.

  12. Sounds like you have been having a rotten time. I guess it will be awhile before anything productive happens. This is not the kind of holiday from work you want. Be thinkin of ya, keep in touch!

  13. Knit, Purl ... wait, what? ... Damn >>> seems particularly apropos these days. Sorry the pain's getting worse not better. Thank goodness Mom is there to take care of things~

  14. Wow. I'm so sorry to hear that it was worse than expected. I hope you get some better pain meds soon, and that your recovery is not too far away. I'm glad you posted an update though! I've been wondering how you are doing.

  15. Sending quick healing thoughts your way! It's too bad you can't just finger knit some small things to keep busy. Use that injured arm as the loom :-P

  16. I'm sorry to hear about your break!! I hope it heals quickly and you start to feel better soon.

  17. Such a bummer! Now that you are back home I hope you are more comfortable than at the hospital. Thank goodness for your Mom!

  18. Post OP nurses can be hit or miss. Get well soon!

  19. eugh rubbish. and i'm guessing you cant even get any knitting done in all that time off work. :(
    COuldnt you have broken a toe instead ?!?!?! ;)
    Get well soon

  20. wishing you a speedy recovery! hope you can get back to knitting soon! x

  21. Hope you're up and running soon! That's such a bummer!

  22. Thinking of you and hoping someone is there to wait on you hand and foot. Get well soon.

  23. Sending some love, and I hope you feel better soon! Broken bone pain is the worst ever, bury at least for me it went away pretty quickly considering, then it was just the cast that was annoying.

  24. Amy, so sorry you have had to go through such trials. But think of it this way: it's like tempering gold - putting you through fire first to make you pure gold. :)

  25. Aw, poor dear. I do hope you start to feel better sharpish. take care of you and all the best for a speedy recovery.


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